The message of Jequi
12 de maio 2024-05-14 23:39The message of Jequi

THE MESSAGE OF JEQUI (Igor Amin, 2024, Fiction, 80 minutes)
Sinopse: Jequi plays in the waters of Brazil’s countryside and learns how to protect them from devastation. This “quilombola” boy shares his wisdom with other children through messages flowing to the rivers of the world and his imagination.
Production by Mundos Institute
Distribution by Ao Vento Films
Leila Bourdoukaun
+55 11 997 775 429
This is a logbook for research and development of the Telegarrafas project (2023-2024), created by the audiovisual education community “What do we want for the world?”
Telegarrafas is a transmedia audiovisual project, which will result in: 1) Educational films; 2) Publications; 3) Educational Facilities Circuit; The initiative seeks to promote society’s awareness of the protection of waters in different regions of Brazil and the world, based on in-depth listening to children, as well as an exchange of views between them. These will present audiovisual listening protocols based on imaginative, documentary and fictional narratives, based on a listening council co-created in their territories and that are capable of generating a positive impact on climate change on our planet.
Check below the recording of some audiovisual listening processes with children so far:
Belo Horizonte-MG, 28 e 29/10/2023
The water flows into you
The river is part of us
Don’t pollute yourself with bad things
Breathe deeply
Listen to me
Water makes me live
Water brings me lightness
Relax boy, relax… reach your inner peace…
Follow your path like water follows the path of the river
The river is not a despair, we need repair
Don’t kill the waters
Listen to the rivers and it will save the planet
Allow yourself to hear the water
Let the peace flow
Let yourself be carried away by the good things in life
Water is more valuable than you think
Don’t just think about the 5 Rs, think about water
You only realize the value of water when it dries
Make sure the water doesn’t run out
Lightly feel
The sound of the river is life! Preserve it
There are more beautiful things in me that you don’t see!
Think about what we still have
Water needs your collaboration
Let life take you like a current
When you wish for good, he also wishes for you
Rest your mind
Be you
Do not give up
Enjoy what you have
The water is in you
There is still hope
Trust your flow
Be yourself, embarking on this long journey, life.
Water is life.
Water, the one that has no end.
*Poem co-created in paintings and messages in recycled bottles by 241 10-year-old children at the beginning of spring 2023, by 5th year students at Colégio Santo Agostinho in Belo Horizonte-MG
Milho Verde, Serro-MG, 21/07/2022
A certain request for water
We must care and preserve,
If not, the water will run out.
Take care of the waters,
because they take care of us.
Without water we cannot see, we cannot speak and we cannot hear.
The three marias and the drop of water in the moonlight.
Water is everything!
Children’s Poem in Milho Verde, Milho Verde Cultural Meeting, July 2022